The Player supports distortion-free HiFi music in all popular file formats
Model Name | H2 |
Special Feature | Hi-Res Audio |
Connectivity Technology | Bluetooth |
Memory Storage Capacity | 64 GB |
Color | Black |
Screen Size | 2 Inches |
Compatible Devices | Laptop, Headphone, Personal Computer |
Media Type |
Included Components | User Manual, hifi player h2, Type C Cable, 64GB SD Card |
I was surprised to hear such a difference between this player and my iPhone. Excellent quality sound, and very easy to use.
I love the album art display and Bluetooth connectivity. USB-C provides faster data transfer so you can get back to listening sooner after adding more music. The interface uses fonts and a layout reminiscent of vintage HiFi equipment. Paired with the best sounding wired headphones I’ve ever owned, this player gives a music listening experience better than I ever had before.
How can I apply for return or refund?
Return products with quality issue(s):
You have 30 days (from date of purchase) to request a return/refund. You need to request a return in 7 calendar days past the maximum estimated delivery date, or 30 days from the order date, whichever is later.
Return products without quality issues:
You have at least 7 days from delivery date to request a return/refund if you are unsatisfied with the product or for other personal reasons. Either way you need to bear a 70% depreciation charge and shipping fee within 30 days from the purchase date or 7 days from delivery date, whichever is later.
If you need to return the goods, please contact our official service via email: support@hifiwalker.com
When will I receive my refund?
Your refund will be processed automatically as soon as your order has been canceled or we have received the returned product.
Depending on your chosen payment method and processing time of the designated bank, you will receive your refund within 3 to 15 working days.
How can I get my money back if I want to cancel my order after paying for it?
If you’ve canceled your order or we’ve confirmed the product you’ve returned, your money will be refunded through the same method of payment.
From where is the shipping sent and to which areas do we ship?
All products are sent from one of our warehouses in China, Germany, the UK and the US.
We ship to most physical addresses in the world. Once you’ve placed an order, it means that the product(s) can be delivered to your shipping address.