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Case for HIFI WALKER H2/ H2 Touch/ G7/ G7 Mini

Case for HIFI WALKER H2/ H2 Touch/ G7/ G7 Mini

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MP3 & MP4 Player Case Compatible with HIFI WALKER H2, H2 Touch HiFi MP3 Player

Model Name Case for HIFI WALKER H2/ H2 Touch/ G7/ G7 Mini 
Special Feature Hard Carry Case Compatible with HIFI WALKER H2, H2 Touch, also compatible with Apple iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle (incompatible with iPod Touch 7), Sandick music player, Sony NW-A45/B Walkman, USB cable, memory card, U-Disk and other devices. 
Binding Electronics
Compatible Devices MP3 Players, USB Cables, Memory Cards, Headphones
Part Number  LC1

Compatible Devices

HIFI WALKER Mp3 Player Case for H2 High Definition Digital Audio Player - Black

Package Dimensions

7.8 x 5.1 x 1.7 inches

Color: black
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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Thomas B.
Great product

Great product

bob hermit
good case

held up to being stood on

reliable hard case

I wasn’t about to not protect my investment. The player only comes with a faux velvet pouch. This case has a convenient wrist strap and carabiner.


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If you’ve canceled your order or we’ve confirmed the product you’ve returned, your money will be refunded through the same method of payment. 

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